blue light glasses for sleep

Blue light glasses are a product of modern technology that helps protect the eyes from blue lights and their effects. The eyes are a very useful body part and undoubtedly one of the most critical. But it is also very sensitive, which makes it prone to the risk of being affected by external factors. 

Of course, the eyes have a protective layer that shields them from various harmful substances. But it can only offer so much protection from frequent exposure to these external factors.

Of the various factors affecting the eye, only a few are as harmful as blue lights. Blue light is a harmful wavelength present in lights. It is a short wavelength and can be found in all types of lights, including the ever-present sunlight. 

However, we are most exposed to this wavelength through the screens of the devices that we use so frequently. Screen lights come in several colors, but the blue ones are the most harmful. Blue lights may not have too many effects on the eyes, but frequent exposure to the wavelength can cause significant damage.

Blue light glasses are a viable solution that prevents the eyes from the effects of blue lights. This article will highlight the effects of blue light on the eyes and how blue light glasses help prevent these effects.

Effects of Blue Light

The world has become very digitalized, and we are often fixated on the screens of our devices as a result. Even now, you are exposed to blue light and its harmful wavelengths. But what exactly does blue light do to the eyes, and how harmful are its effects? 

Here are some of the most significant effects of blue lights on the eyes

blue light glasses for sleep
  • Digital Eyestrain: Digital eyestrain refers to a group of eye problems resulting from too much exposure to screen lights. The problems can range from eye aches to itching and irritation. It can also be characterized by soreness, redness, dryness, blurry vision, etc. This condition often involves damage to the eye’s focusing system, and it can also lead to more severe conditions.
  • Macular Degeneration: Macular degeneration is an eye problem often related to aging, known as AMD. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, it ranks high among the causes of blindness in adults over the age of 50. Research has suggested that blue light can hasten the development of macular degeneration in adults.
  • Sleep Disorder: The eye has a light sensor that Identifies sunrise and sunset. It is also responsible for alerting the brain to trigger the release of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle. This sensor can be affected by exposure to blue light, especially in the evening. As a result, the melatonin release is either reduced or delayed, leading to a sleep disorder that can trigger several other harmful conditions.

How Blue Light Glasses Work

The debate of whether blue light glasses are really effective for protecting the eyes from the effects of blue lights has been on since the introduction of these glasses. Many have questioned its efficacy, while others believe it is not worth it. Well, the fact is that blue light glasses do not guarantee 100% protection from blue lights. However, there is sufficient proof that this item is excellent for reducing the effects of blue lights.

Of course, you can still see blue lights even with this item protecting your eyes. The trick, however, is that it filters the light of the harmful wavelength, allowing only a safe percentage to pass through to your eyes. Hence, it doesn’t prevent your eyes from seeing this light, but it nullifies the risk it poses to your eyes.

Why You Should Get Blue Light Glasses for Sleep

Blue light glasses are perhaps the best item you can use to protect your eyes from the effects of blue lights, especially if you spend much time in front of screens. Getting blue light glasses is a no-brainer, depending on how often you get exposed to blue lights. 

Here are some exciting benefits of blue light glasses.

blue light glasses for sleep
  • Improve Visual Performance: Since excessive exposure to blue light can impair vision in adults, it is possible to improve your vision by using this item to prevent the effects of blue lights.
  • Eases Eyestrain: Eyestrain is a condition often caused by blue light, and the effects are not very pleasant. However, using blue light glasses helps alleviate this condition by protecting the eyes from blue light.
  • Promotes Better Sight: One effect of blue light is blurred vision due to prolonged exposure to screens. These glasses will enable you to operate your devices for longer without risking poor sight.

How Blue Light Glasses Help Sleep

The light sensor in the eye is responsible for setting up our sleep-wake cycle by observing and adjusting to light and darkness. Light exposure during the day can help you stay active, but too much exposure can prevent you from sleeping at night; here’s how. When the brain receives the signal for sleep from the light sensor in the eye, it triggers the release of melatonin to induce sleep. 

However, too much exposure to blue light can hamper the sensor’s functionality, leading to a sleep disorder.

Using blue light glasses can help to reduce the amount of blue light exposure and help the sensor function better. In fact, research has shown that using this item for 2 – 3 hours before sleep can boost the production of melatonin and help you sleep perfectly.

Safe Usage Of Blue Light Glasses

Blue light glasses are known to have only a few or no side effects, making them safe for use all day long. However, some periods that require the use of this item include;

blue light glases for sleep
  • When using digital/screened devices for prolonged hours.
  • When exposed to LED light from electric bulbs.
  • When subject to direct rays from the sun or other strong light sources.


Blue light glasses have proven to be a handy solution for preventing the effects of blue lights. The essence of using this item is highlighted in how much we are exposed to blue lights and their harmful effects. 

This article has explained the concept of blue light glasses and how they help protect the eyes from blue lights.

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