woman is napping on a couch

For some people, napping time acts as a reset button since they wake up more rejuvenated to complete the rest of the day. However, the duration of napping time differs from one person to another based on individual sleep cycle and age.

Here you will learn how long to nap, the benefits of napping, and tips for having a good nap.

Napping Time Duration

a man during napping time

The primary aim of the napping time is to get refreshed and reenergized. The nap length determines how you feel after waking up. It also determines how you quickly fall asleep at night.

Too short naps are not ideal since they cannot move you to deep sleep stages to give a notable benefit. Having a longer nap can make you feel groggy after waking up. In addition, longer naps, especially late in the day, can affect your sleep quality and sleeping duration.

According to experts, the best nap length is 20 minutes to wake up feeling more refreshed and alert. Studies show that the best time to nap is early to mid-afternoon when many people start experiencing a decline in alertness and energy.

Benefits of Napping

Various studies have proved that napping time is healthy in someone’s day since it increases alertness and concentration. Sleep experts say that scheduled naps can help to improve performance and mood. They can also boost outcomes for people with sleep disorders.

Here are some of the benefits of napping;

Reduces Stress

One of the prevalent problems that many people are experiencing is lack of sleep, which is mainly attributed to stress. Stress can lead to various health issues such as depression, anxiety, memory impairment, heart disease, among other problems.

Having a nap during your busy day may help to reduce stress and balance your sleep troubles. Getting quality sleep plays a vital role in reducing and regulating cortisol (a stress hormone) production, leaving you more relaxed to handle the rest of the day.

Boost Alertness

One of the significant benefits anyone can derive from a nap is increased alertness. Studies show that people who take a mid-afternoon nap wake up more energized than those drinking coffee or caffeinated energy drinks.

However, the rejuvenating power derived from a nap is more beneficial since it is for the whole body’s well-being, unlike energy gained from caffeine. This helps to improve your overall sleep, learning capacity, and memory recall.

Improve Mood

Other than feeling rejuvenated, a good nap helps in mood elevation. Studies show that having a nap can reduce impulsivity, increase frustration tolerance, and boost productivity.

Tiredness can lead to irritability and anxiety. Therefore, having some minutes to recharge can help you to improve your mood effectively.

Sharpen Cognitive Skills

a woman during napping time

Generally, napping helps to enhance cognitive flexibility, boost focus, and increase the brain’s ability to store and process information. Even if you can feel groggy after waking up from a nap, there are high possibilities that your sharpness and astuteness will increase.

A study conducted by NASA showed that pilots, who took a nap, raised their alertness by up to 54% and overall performance by 34%.

Other benefits that you can derive from taking a nap are enhanced short-term memory, improved athletic performance, and reduced sleepiness and fatigue.

Tips of Having a Good Nap

Getting a good napping time can be tricky, and many people might not benefit from naps. This is due to their minds, bodies, schedules, personalities, and life circumstances.

But you don’t have to worry. These tips can help you have better and healthy naps:

Keep it Short

Ensure you keep your nap as short as possible. The best nap length is around 15-20 minutes, giving your body the best time to rest without getting into a deep sleep.

Set an Alarm

If you cannot limit your napping time, ensure to set the alarm to wake you up. This will ensure that your nap length is within the stipulated time.

Make it Regular

You must keep your naps regular since the human body sticks to various habits, and sleep is not an exception. Studies show that maintaining consistency in your nap ensures you have a healthy sleep.

Ensure you nap every day, even when you are not at work. Schedule all your naps to take place at the same time daily. By doing so, you will reap more health benefits from your nap.

Keep it Early

Ensure you take a nap when you feel tired or you want to sleep. The recommended time to nap is early to mid-afternoon.

Taking late naps can negatively affect how you fall asleep at night. They can make it difficult for you to fall asleep or stay awake for a long time without sleeping.

Find a Comfortable Environment

Find a nice place either in your home or work where you can comfortably nap. The location should be quiet and free from any disturbances to ensure you easily fall asleep. Besides, that area should be dark and soft enough for optimal relaxation.

Keep off All Your Worries

If you think about your stress sources, you won’t sleep. You can do relaxation exercises to release all your troubles and concerns. Doing so will help you fall asleep fast and wake up from your nap more rejuvenated.

Reflect on Why You are Taking a Nap

Why do you want to take a nap, and how long to nap. You need to focus on what you want to achieve after the nap. Knowing your napping objectives will help you plan your nap within the set goals.


Taking a short napping time is ideal for recharging your body and allowing your mind to rest for a while. This enables you to wake up feeling more refreshed and energized for the rest of the day. But ensure you consider the best nap length to reap more health benefits from your nap.

Long naps may leave you feeling groggy, sluggish, and tired after waking up. The best time to nap is early mid-afternoon since late napping can interfere with the way you fall asleep at night.

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