natural remedies for insomnia

Getting a good night’s sleep is as essential to the body as a healthy diet and regular exercise. This is because living with a poor sleeping habit can increase disease risk, cause weight gain, and even affect brain function.

In contrast, maintaining good sleeping habits can improve your overall health. Considering how sleep quality and quantity have declined over the years, it is clear that insomnia is a significant problem that we should address.

This article will discuss the effects of insomnia and natural remedies for insomnia. Please read on to discover fascinating information. 

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder capable of causing damage to mental, physical, and emotional health. It is a common phenomenon, and almost everyone has had insomnia experiences. Factors such as diet, stress, or extreme illness can hinder your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

natural remedies for insomnia

According to recent research, about 60 million Americans have insomnia, and in most people, it is a constant phenomenon.  

Types of Insomnia

Acute Insomnia

This is the most common form of insomnia, and it typically lasts only a few days. Experts also call it adjustment insomnia because environmental changes or events are the leading causes. Specific medication, new environment, deadlines, death of a loved one, etc., are also common causes.

Chronic Insomnia

When insomnia becomes chronic, the patient experiences sleeplessness at least thrice a week for at least one month. Some causes of chronic insomnia are chronic medical conditions, age, psychological conditions, stimulants, medication, etc.

natural remedies for insomnia

Maintenance Insomnia

This type of insomnia means that the patient has difficulty going back to sleep after waking up too early or staying asleep. Conditions such as allergies, asthma, chronic pain, etc., are some of the leading causes of maintenance insomnia.

Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder, and every day, millions of people seek a solution to this problem. It is imperative to treat insomnia because it can increase the risk for other health problems. 

Here, we have put together some natural remedies you can use to combat insomnia.

Fortunately, insomnia is one of those problems that can improve over time without popping pills. A change in lifestyle habits and routine can improve the symptoms over time.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is an essential oil, and it is obtained from the lavender plant. For thousands of years, people have used it as a natural solution for insomnia and induce calmness.

natural remedies for insomnia

According to a 2015 study, lavender patches, alongside proper sleeping habits, improved college students’ sleep quality and quantity. Using lavender oil as a pillow spray, aromatherapy diffuser, or massage oil can help calm the nerves, relax the mind, and improve sleep. 


Meditation is another effective remedy for insomnia because it reduces stress, improves mood, boosts resilience, and enhances immunity. A study on mindful meditations has proven that it can reduce total wake time in people with insomnia.

natural remedies for insomnia

Today, several apps, podcasts, and videos are available online to guide people through mindful meditation. Also, courses and retreats are available to meet with other people and learn together.


The body produces magnesium, a mineral that helps reduce stress and relax muscles. Experts also agree that it can help maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

Researchers have found that a daily intake of foods rich in magnesium can help insomnia patients sleep better and for more extended periods. Consuming high magnesium foods, especially in the evening, may induce sleep.

natural remedies for insomnia

The National Sleep Foundation recommends eating foods such as whole-grain cereal, a banana, or a mug of warm milk at least one hour before bedtime.

Regular Exercise

Exercising regularly is beneficial to physical well-being; it is also effective for managing insomnia symptoms and reducing depression.

Low-impact exercises such as walking, yoga, or swimming are simple activities that can help with getting the daily recommended exercise time. Outdoor exercises are also helpful because it helps expose the body to natural light, which is an excellent factor for establishing a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

natural remedies for insomnia

Consider scheduling your exercise for the morning or afternoon instead of the evening for the best results. Doing this will allow the body temperature to rise and fall in time for bed. Regular exercise is excellent for boosting well-being and reducing anxiety and depression, the leading causes of insomnia.

Optimize your Bedroom

Ever wondered why people sleep better in hotels? The beddings are comfortable, and the ambiance is perfect for sleeping.

Quality beddings are underrated, hence the high rate of insomnia. Back pain, shoulder pain, and back stiffness can reduce significantly with constant use of a comfortable mattress, beddings, pillows, etc.

natural remedies for insomnia

Another helpful bedroom optimization tip is to declutter your bedroom. Remove electronics, exercise equipment, and other distracting items from your room. You can neatly arrange smaller items to minimize clutter.

Also, ensure that your bedroom design is suitable for sleeping. Neutral colors such as gray, green, lavender, etc., are sleep-enhancing colors that can help lower heart rates and blood pressure, ultimately giving you a good night’s sleep.

Practice a Good Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to bedtime routines and activities. Practicing good sleep hygiene can help improve getting consistent and uninterrupted sleep.

Some ways of improving sleep hygiene are:

– Maintain a consistent bedtime routine. This means going to bed at a particular time in the evening and getting up at a specific time every morning.

– Put away all screens such as cell phones, laptops, and TVs at least one hour before going to bed.

natural remedies for insomnia

– Ensure to keep the bedroom quiet and dark with thick curtains, dimmed lights, eye masks, and earplugs.

– Avoid consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks in the evening.

– Have a warm bath at least one hour before bedtime.

– Keep your meals light at night.


Insomnia is a leading sleep disorder, and many people experience it daily. There are several natural remedies for insomnia, and here, we have mentioned a few of them, from mindful meditation, to exercise, maintaining good sleep hygiene, the use of essential oils, and eating foods rich in magnesium.

We hope you enjoyed reading this, and we will like to know which of these remedies you’re willing to try.

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